Short meter “MY RUSSIA”

We are announcing a competition for the script and further implementation (financing) of short films (up to 20 minutes) about Russia. Works that meet the following requirements can take part in the competition:

  • A group of Director + Screenwriter is invited to implement a short film about Russia. (it is mandatory to have links to social networks and the full name of the participants)
  • the competition application must contain: the script of the SF, the director’s explication of the film, the proposed team of project participants, a presentation in free form.
  • the estimated cost of the project in excel or word format with a detailed study of all points of the estimated cost.
  • the work (script) should be about Russia: traditions, people, customs, historical facts or documents. Must contain a national flavor.
  • the works are accepted until August 1, 2023.
  • The 3 best scenarios and groups will receive funding in the amount of 300,000 rubles for the implementation of their projects.
  • the exclusive right to broadcast the film, according to the project financing agreement, will belong to Dream Vision

send your works with the theme: “Short meter“MY RUSSIA” by mail